Beat the Clock Records

Below are the top 3 times in each category since the start of the Beat the Clock series in 2005 until the very end in 2014.
Last and final update: 6/14/2014


  1. 20:54 Kirk Carlsen Predator Carbon Repair – 5/18/2013
  2. 21:28 Bernard Van Ulden – 7/2/2005
  3. 21:34 Brian Buchholz Webcor/Alto Velo – 5/30/2009

ITT Women

  1. 22:01 Christine Thorburn Webcor Builders 6/21/2008
  2. 22:22 Christine Thorburn Webcor Builders 9/1/2007
  3. 22:44 Christine Thorburn Webcor Builders 5/14/2005

ITT Women 2 laps

  1. 52:54 Betina Hold 7/2/2005

ITT Juniors Men

  1. 23:33 Jason Saltzman Team Specialized Racing Juniors – 8/17/2013
  2. 24:06 Jason Saltzman Team Specialized Racing Juniors – 1/26/2013
  3. 25:23 David Benkiski – 9/1/2007

ITT Juniors Women

  1. 28:13 Page Robertson Team TIBCO II – 1/26/2013
  2. 31:01 Page Robertson Team TIBCO II – 1/26/2013
  3. 31:15 Claire Jensen Peanut Butter & Co Twenty12 – 3/20/2010

Non-Aero Men

  1. 23:42 Ted Huang Webcor/Alto Velo 5/26/2007
  2. 23:50 Ted Huang Webcor/Alto Velo 8/29/2009
  3. 23:51 Ted Huang Suffok-SunPower Racing 4/25/2013

Non-Aero Women

  1. 25:52 Molly Van Houweling Metromint Cycling 5/24/2008
  2. 26:19 Kelly Crowley Primal/MapMyRide 7/7/2012
  3. 26:22 Elizabeth Newell Jakroo Racing Team 5/24/2014

Non-Aero Juniors

  1. 24:18 Jason Saltzman NCCF/Team Specialized Juniors 2/15/2014
  2. 29:54 Gavin Rea 2/18/2012
  3. 40:28 Skyler Colwell 2/16/2013

Utility Bike Women – World Bicycle Relief Bike

  1. 34:09 Carola F. Berger Beat the Clock/World Bicycle Relief – 4/7/2012

Utility Bike Men

  1. 25:45 Ted Huang On a Bike Friday – 1/26/2013
  2. 38:11 Barry Burr On a cruiser bike – Barry Beams – 6/14/2014

Handcycle Women

  1. 1:01:30 Kelli King U.S. Handcycling – 5/18/2013
  2. 1:02:55 Kelli King U.S. Handcycling – 8/17/2013
  3. 1:05:00 Kelli King U.S. Handcycling – 1/26/2013

HPV/recumbent (2 wheels – low-racer)

  1. 20:57 Phillip Plath 5/24/2014
  2. 22:21 Phillip Plath 7/7/2012
  3. 22:29 Phillip Plath 4/25/2013

HPV/recumbent (2 wheels – mid-racer)

  1. 33:53 Richard King 7/20/2013

HPV/recumbent (2 wheels – high-racer)

  1. 23:25 Mark King IC3-Hammer Nutrition 8/20/2011
  2. 23:31 Phillip Plath 6/14/2014
  3. 23:32 Phillip Plath 7/20/2013

HPV/recumbent (fully wrapped)

  1. 18:08 Greg Thomas (3 wheels) 6/14/2014
  2. 21:06 Timothy Woudenberg (2 wheels) 8/20/2005

HPV/recumbent trike (3 wheels)

  1. 27:11 Mark King Team Catrike 4/7/2012
  2. 27:48 Mark King Team Fremont 7/19/2008
  3. 28:15 Mark King Team Fremont/FFBC p/b Chipotle 3/20/2010

Single speed Aero Men

  1. 24:04 Mark King Kovarus/Wells Fargo Racing Team 6/14/2014
  2. 24:46 Mark King Team Fremont/ FFBC p.b. Chipotle 3/16/2013
  3. 24:56 Mark King Kovarus/Wells Fargo Racing Team 2/15/2014

Single speed Non-Aero Men

  1. 24:50 Mark King Team Fremont/ FFBC p.b. Chipotle 4/25/2013
  2. 25:05 Mark King Kovarus/Wells Fargo Racing Team 6/14/2014
  3. 25:25 Mark King Kovarus/Wells Fargo Racing Team 5/24/2014

Single speed Aero Women

  1. 33:10 Patt Baenen-Tapscott Beat the Clock 7/20/2013

Unicycle Men

  1. 32:05 Chuck Edwall Suffolk-SunPower Racing 2/16/2013

2M TTT Men

  1. 21:24 Keith Hillier/Frank Spiteri Marc Pro – Strava 5/28/2011
  2. 21:35 Jeromy Cottell/Craig Roemer Specialized / Touchstone Masters 2/15/2014
  3. 21:51 Matthew Beebe/Matt Morenzoni 3/17/2007

2M TTT Women

  1. 24:13 Lauren Hecht/Maura Kinsella Webcor/Alto Velo/SportVelo Bridge Team 2/13/2010
  2. 24:24 Sara Clafferty/Jen Zierke Twinsies 3/16/2013
  3. 24:32 Haley Juno-Galdes/Jane Wolcott Webcor/Alto Velo 5/28/2011

2MW TTT Mixed

  1. 22:14 Alison Tetrick/Craig Roemer Sidekickers. – 8/17/2013
  2. 23:01 Jennifer Zierke/Keith Hillier – 2/15/2014
  3. 23:04 Ted Huang/Christine Thorburn – 3/18/2006

2M TTT Juniors

  1. 29:40 Nikka Vandendries/Peter Wells Easton/Specialized 9/1/2007

2M TTT Junior/Adult Mixed

  1. 31:25 Brian Gokey/Cynthia Wang Fremont Freewheelers 2/16/2013
  2. 32:28 Thor and Hans Poulsen Tieni Duro 2/16/2013

2M TTT Tandem Men

  1. 21:10 Tim Clark/Brian Lucido LowKey 2/18/2012
  2. 21:38 Tim Clark/Brian Lucido LowKey 4/7/2012
  3. 23:21 Paul Chuck/Brian Fessenden Morgan Stanley Smith Barney/Specialized 8/28/2010

2MW TTT Tandem Mixed

  1. 23:07 Kim Wik/Dave Maminski 6/14/2014
  2. 23:19 MaryAnn Levenson/Dave Maminski 8/17/2013
  3. 23:24 MaryAnn Levenson/Dave Maminski 7/20/2013

2M TTT Non-Aero

  1. 23:21 Marcel Appelman/Giel de Nijs Flying Dutchmen 3/16/2013
  2. 23:47 Ted Huang/Peter Tapscott Webcor/Alto Velo 7/7/2012
  3. 24:23 Harlan Chapman/Patrick Coulson 6/14/2014

2MW TTT Non-Aero Mixed

  1. 24:58 Christine Thorburn/Ted Huang Beat the Clock – 8/17/2013
  2. 25:29 Carola Berger/Ted Huang Beat the Clock – 6/14/2014
  3. 26:39 Liz Benishin/Wayne Smith Velo Bella – Kona – 2/28/2009


  1. 22:12 James Badia/Ted Huang/Peter Tapscott 7/31/2010
  2. 22:14 Jan Weissenberger/Chris Phipps/Jens Hillen ZIPZ CYCLING/ThirstyBear 2/16/2013
  3. 22:20 James Badia/Brian Peterson/Peter Tapscott 3/17/2007
  4. 22:56 Robert MacNeill/John Peckham/Brian Peterson 7/2/2005
    (John Peckham was killed in 2006 by a drugged and drunk driver, so his name will remain on the leaderboard as long as this site exists.)


  1. 25:04 Camille DeLuca-Flaherty/MaryAnn Levenson/Andi Smith 6/14/2014
  2. 25:16 Camille DeLuca-Flaherty/MaryAnn Levenson/Andi Smith 5/24/2014

4or more TTT Men

  1. 22:12 Tom Coulter, Don Langley, Dave Maminski, Dan Smith Morgan StanleyTeam Specialized 6/14/2014
  2. 22:30 Dan Smith et al 3/28/2009
  3. 23:07 Oliver Ryan, Marcel Appelman, Jacob Berkman, Michael Kopp Team Mikes Bikes 2/16/2013

4 or more TTT Women

  1. 27:46 Leigh Balkom, Nitzel Hagan, Sandra King, Elisabeth Johnson Metromint Cycling 5/24/2014
  2. 31:00 Jaemin Chang, Maureen Davin, Karen Jeffrey, Sandrine Micoleau Team Viva Pink 3/16/2013

Flying Sausages (<= click to find out what a flying sausage is)

  1. 34:49 Team Integrate – 8/29/2009